College News

EEE Assistant Professor Liu Zhaojun wins 2020 SID Peter Brody Prize

Jan 17, 2020

    Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) Assistant Professor Liu Zhaojun has recently been announced as the winner of the 2020 Society for Information Display (SID) Peter Brody Prize. He is being recognized for “his contributions to the development of high-resolution active-matrix micro-LED displays.” The Peter Brody Prize is an affirmation of his work & contributions to Micro-LED and will receive the award at a ceremony in San Francisco on June 8.

    The Peter Brody Prize is an internationally renowned award established by SID in honor of Dr. T. Peter Brody, who developed the first active-matrix thin-film transistor (TFT) panel in 1974. The Peter Brody Prize is awarded to honor outstanding contributions of young researchers (under age 40) who have made major-impact technical contributions to the developments of active matrix-addressed displays. Only one person is selected each year to receive this award.

    Assistant Professor Liu Zhaojun (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) is the first mainland Chinese scholar to win this prestigious honor. He has been a leader in this field for many years, with a strong commitment to R&D as well as academic and industrial applications to his research.

    Assistant Professor Liu Zhaojun has worked hard to enhance the advanced technology and internationalization of China’s display technology. His high-resolution active site micro-LED display research sits in a world-leading position.

    In 2017, Assistant Professor Liu Zhaojun won the SID Distinguished Paper Award, and in 2019, he was invited to teach a 4-hour Micro-LED course at the SID Display Week in San Francisco.

    SID’s annual Display Week is the world’s largest technical symposium and exhibition for emerging technologies in the high-growth global electronic display industry. SID was formed in 1962 to promulgate display technology, and that work continues today, publishing a monthly Journal of SID, Information Display magazine, and our annual Digest of Technical Papers, which is presented at our annual spring Display Week Symposium and Exhibition. It has played a vital role in promoting the development of the world’s active-matrix site display technology.