
NUS Biomedical Engineering Director visited SUSTech

Jan 12, 2019

    Earlier this week, Director James Goh of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS) and Deputy Director Li Jun of Student Affairs came to Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) to share their views on joint training programs for undergraduate students. Dean of the SUSTech College of Engineering Xu Zhenghe was joined by the Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering Jiang Xingyu and Associate Vice President of International Cooperation Thomas Schneider at the meeting.

    After Xu Zhenghe briefed the NUS delegation about the situation at SUSTech, James Goh provided similar information about his department at NUS. Li Jun talked about the joint training program between SUSTech and NUS. Both sides went into detail about how the achievements of students would be recognized, how costs would be split and how to recognize the credits studied.

    Following the meeting, the NUS delegation were taken on a tour of the SUSTech campus.