College News

SUSTech undergrad wins ASPEN Young Researcher Award

Nov 22, 2019

    Class of 2021 undergraduate student Zhang Guodong attended the 8th International Conference of the Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2019) in Japan, where he received the Young Researcher Award, as a reflection of his research in the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering (MEE).

    Zhang Guodong is a member of the research team of Assistant Professor Zhao Yonghua. As part of ASPEN2019, Zhang Guodong presented a paper entitled “Generation of 3D Freeform Surfaces by Electrolyte Jet Machining (EJM),” in which he introduced research of electrochemical jet machining (EJM) as it relates to the processing of 3D free-form surfaces. It proposed the application of EJM in creating surface microstructures and functional 3D surface finishing.

    Following his presentation, he received the Young Researcher Award, which recognizes outstanding attending researchers under the age of 35. The winners represented 5% of the conference attendees.

    The Asian Society of Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN) is an academic group of researchers in precision engineering and nanotechnology in Asian countries. The ASPEN series of conferences are important academic conferences that aim to bring Asian researchers together to discuss precision engineering and manufacturing, promote the latest research results, and publicize new developments in scientific research and technology.
